Time to return to the things I love

It's been a while.

2018 has been a year where I am constantly running into "Remember when I used to..." thoughts.

Remember when I used to... sing and play music regularly?

Remember when I used to... work outside the home and felt some sort of validation of my education and intellect?

Remember when I used to... write and read and take joy in those activities?

Since we moved from Wisconsin back to Illinois in December, I have been a Stay at Home Mom.  If you had told me, even after I had my first kid, that I would be staying at home with my children I probably would have laughed.

"Are you kidding?!"  I would squeal.  "There is NO way I could do that!  I have such a small amount of patience that none of us would survive the first week!"

Well it's been 5 months and no one's died yet (seriously, a miracle).

While I am glad to be closer to our family, it feels just like it did when we moved north over five years ago.  Except now I am feeling all of the isolation of being in a new place while also trapped in a house with two small children and a feeling of paralyzation/ depression that has been growing since 2016.

I've decided it's time to stop dicking around.  Time to make some definitive changes in order to make my life a happier one.  I can't rely on everyone else to do that for me and I can't just sit here anymore.

Future areas of inspection:

I used to love writing so much.  I haven't written a piece of fiction in almost TEN YEARS.  I haven't even written an essay or blog post in more than two and a half.  It's time to look into some online writing courses and at the very least, use blog posts as some much needed practice.

Getting out in my new community and making a difference.
This one has always been tricky for me.  As the years go by, I get more and more socially anxious.  Going to new places I have never been to before makes me nervous.  Going to new places I have never been to before which are packed with people I don't know also makes me nervous.  For some reason unbeknownst to me, I have never had a problem tapping into my acting skills in a work setting in order to appear positive, friendly and confident. But everywhere else? NOPE. At any rate, finding ways to help others is very important to me. I am going to need to try harder to get over those feelings of anxiety in order to go to new places when there are opportunities to volunteer or help others.  Period.

I miss singing.  SO much.  I haven't seriously performed since 2011.  I don't even know if I can even read music anymore.  Seriously.  This is a source of great shame and distress for me.  How can I have forgotten how to do something that I spent the majority of my time doing for most of my life? I was asked to sing a simple hymn along with piano and viola at my youngest's baptism last weekend.  It was a song I have sung a million times, we were only doing 3 short verses and I was singing to a very non-judgmental audience.  But I lost my spot on the page halfway through the last verse and sang the wrong words because I was trying so hard not to cry.  Not because it was a special day for my son, memories blah, blah, blah. Because of that unnamable joy that wells up in a musician when they hear/play/sing. I simply could not handle being drowned by the feeling of AWESOME that is music in that moment.  How on earth do I begin to retrain myself? Ain't got the time/$/childcare for lessons.  Get out my old music theory books?  Who knows.  I can at least start by pulling out some sheet music and singing to my baby.  He won't know I'm singing all of the wrong rhythms!

I will write an essay some day about dealing with bullshit health stuff as a young person.  Long story short, I told myself when I had my first kid that I would not cave to societal pressures to attain my "pre-baby body" and wouldn't even think about working out etc. until my kid turned one.  Well, he turned one, we stopped breastfeeding and my body fell to pieces all within a two week timespan.  I then spent more than six months trying to diagnose the issues and find a treatment that wouldn't leave me constant pain.  After having my second kid, I have decided that it is VERY important for me to establish healthy habits BEFORE we stop breastfeeding.  If I don't, who knows how much time and money I will sacrifice trying to find a new normal.  I don't have the time (or patience) to do that again.   So I've started small but need to continue to find ways to exercise and eat well.  I also need a new rheumatologist.

That's the gist of where I am.  I can't even begin to tell the entire story of where I've been.
