While driving back from the best bakery in my neighborhood (The Rocket Baby Bakery) I noticed something really cool. This thing was SO cool that I found it necessary to go home, get the dog and walk back the way I'd just come in order to check it out.
I discovered that there are a number of Little Free Libraries in my neighborhood! This one was about 7 blocks away with at least 3 others in a 2 block radius. Sorry the top is cut off. I was trying to take a photo and wrangle the dog at the same time.
I discovered that there are a number of Little Free Libraries in my neighborhood! This one was about 7 blocks away with at least 3 others in a 2 block radius. Sorry the top is cut off. I was trying to take a photo and wrangle the dog at the same time.
I was even lucky enough to talk with the owner of the library, Jeannie (she was out mowing her yard). She wanted to create a Chinese pagoda style library and here it is! When I got home, I went to www.littlefreelibrary.org to learn more about the project.
It started out as part of the Wisconsin Partners for SustainAbility and their goal was to create over 2,510 libraries (so, more than Andrew Carnegie). This library is number 2,700 and some! You can even find her little library and more pictures on the site's google map page.
Jeanie was telling me that she's only had her Little Free Library up and registered for 2 or 3 months. She says that she gets LOTS of little kids who come to pick out books on the weekends. Boy was I glad that I'd taken a Little Bear book to donate!
I knew that things like this existed, but I didn't know there were so many of them in my new neighborhood. For the record, there is one in Bloomington, IL that is registered. Go to the website to look them up. Or better yet (librarian friends who have their own houses) go and make your own!
Hooray for books!
Thanks for sharing, Natalie! That is so cute... and such a good idea! Never seen anything like it...