Today at the library...

Ok.  I will be honest and tell you that this didn't actually happen in the library today- it happened last Friday. I'm not even in the library today because I am on VACATION!  

Anywhosky- you would be surprised the things that people do in the library.  I'm not talking about having sex  back in the stacks or cutting up library books while still in the building (though those things do happen).  These are just odd things that you don't expect to run into in a public place.

Today's example:  There was a gentleman who had to be given a warning about making toast in the library.  Yes.  Toast.  As in, he brought in his own toaster and bread and was apparently making a nice little breakfast for himself over by the magazines.  So uh, don't bring your toaster to the library?  Or something?  Happy Friday, ya'll!
